There is more to animal photography then just meets the eye. I am writing this from the perspective on that the reader all ready knows how to light a human subject. Now how about lighting a animal or insect?
Know your Lighting
When I take a picture of a person I ask myself what how do I want to light this subject. Now there are hundreds of ways to light a subject. The part that shows an experienced photographer from the rest is picking the right way that gets your point across. For example I am not going to just pop open my camera flash to take some brides photo at a wedding. Usually women want to look beautiful. Big Beauty = Big Bulb. Now don't confuse that with bright. Soft beautiful clean skin is all subjective to the size of the light compared to the object. I have worked on many movies that will hang a huge 30' by 30' silk just to light 1 person. So know your lighting and what you want to do with a photo.
Fast Shutter
This is up for you to judge on how fast your shutter needs to be. If you are using a flash you do not need to worry about shutter as much. You can just set it to the maximum your flash will allow. Mine is 1/180. Let me break this down for you a bit. 1/180 shutter speed is fast but not that fast. In most cases I would never use that speed. For example:
Above all you need patience when photographing animals both in the wild and captivity. Whether waiting for a bird to fly by or trying to get your dog to calm down so you can get the right pose.
Be Creative
use whatever you have. You don't have to use a nice back drop or exotic location. Just know what would go with your animal and find things to make it happen. I knew the color blue would be good for my parrots background so I used a camping sleeping pad and tapped it on the wall behind him.
Tom The Turtle
This is Tom the Red Ear Slider. My parents bought him for me when I was in 3rd grade. He is around 20 years old. This photo may look like he was climbing over a rock slowly. Which was not the case. He gets really excited when I walk up to the tank and swims like crazy towards me because he loves me so much. Or maybe it's just because he wants food. I guess we will never know. The point is I just started snapping pictures as he went crazy and out of the 700 I took this one was most natural. Ok not 700, more like 20. This time I did remember to take a photo of the set up! One light was in the aquarium pointing up at the white lid using it as a bounce and the other was was off the side of the aquarium as a back/ fill light. One trick to keeping picture this clear when photographing through glass is to NOT LIGHT UP THE GLASS IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA! One lesson I learned in a short film I did years ago and I lit the actor up in the mirror and no matter how many times we cleaned the mirror it looked so dirty. Well now I know not to light the glass but to light the subject behind the glass. Sometimes it is very hard to do. So in the photo below one flash was inside and the flash on the outside of the aquarium was on a different piece of glass snooted so it did not hit the glass panel I was shooting through.
That is all I have for you today. Here are some more animal photographs I have taken. If you want to know about one and how it was lit just ask in the comments.
Let me know your thoughts or if you have a photography question that you want to see me blog about.
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