Monday, March 26, 2012

Selling Your Media

Today I am going to write about selling your media online and what to expect when selling your footage or photos online.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Time-Lapse Photography

Time-Lapse photography is one of the areas I have the most experience. I was making time-lapse videos back before Discovery's Planet Earth made them cool and everyone and there grandma started making them.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Animal Photography

Animal Photography

There is more to animal photography then just meets the eye. I am writing this from the perspective on that the reader all ready knows how to light a human subject. Now how about lighting a animal or insect? 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Raw or not to Raw

Today I am going to write about raw picture formats and whether to use raw or not and how to make the right choice for your needs.

What is raw? 
First we need to know what raw pictures are. Raw pictures are in a way digital negatives if you look at it in a film sense. It is the photograph in its purist form. It has not been compressed or altered in any way. Usually they will be odd files. Like .DNG, .PEF, .CRW, .ORF, ect. The would not be your typical .jpg or .tiff files your a used to seeing. A raw file is usually going to be a lot bigger in size then the jpg versions. My raw files on my camera are around 15mb in size, whereas the compressed jpgs are about 2mb in size.